myLottery Support  /  Students are in SIS but not found in myLottery

Students are in SIS but not found in myLottery

Option 1: Student demographic information may not match

A students demographic information (name, birthdate, grade level, campus) might be different in myLottery vs. SIS.

1. Click Find Matching Lottery Applicant.

2. Enter the student's name in the Search bar.

3. If the correct student's name shows up,  click Match.

4. Check the provided table to see if there is information highlighted in red. If the information is wrong, correct it by going to the source listed.

  • Applicant Data: make the correction in myLottery. Proxy as the parent and make the needed adjustments to their lottery application.
  • SIS Data: make the correction in the SIS (Aspire, etc.).

5. When the information correctly matches and there is no red highlight. Click Confirm Match.

Option 2: Parent added student into the SIS without applying through the school

It’s possible that the parent already had the Aspire link, possibly for a sibling for example, and added another student into the SIS without completing an application through the school.

1. Complete an application for the student:

  • You can ask the parent to complete the lottery application, or
  • Check if the parent is in myLottery using the Parents tab at the top. Search last name in the search bar. If a sibling is already in the system, you can proxy as the parent and create another student application from here.

2. If the parent is not found during the search, go to the school website to the Enroll-Now page and create an application here with the student information. 

  • Log out of your admin account so it does not interfere. 
  • Fill out the application as if you are the parent with the information from SIS. You will need to create a password for them but they can change it later. 
  • Submit the form. 
  • Now you can make an offer as normal.